Monday, February 21, 2011

These paintings were for Iconography class. We were to illustrate a childhood memory. I remembered playing old-school nintendo, and also going to the corner store with my allowance to buy candy. Sugary goodness...

the nintendo one is not really done yet.... background is not supposed to be brown, didn't get to it in time. I hand-painted all the nintendo controllers... someone in my class asked why I didn't use a stencil to paint them. I didn't even think of that at the time. *bangs head against wall*

I'm taking a book-making class this semester, which is a nice change of pace from drawing/painting. This is the first project from book class. Bit of a learning curve in terms of production; I majorly underestimated the amount of time it takes to put a book together - especially with content. And figuring out the pagination and trying to do all that manually brought back bad memories of my old job - blargh.

Anyways, here is my very first book! All hand-made, the cover is silkscreened. Inside was created digitally. Book is bound with a pamphlet stitch.

I put in some fold-outs throughout the book.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

painting painting painting

phew... long time no posting. This week has been busy... I've been painting frantically for the past three days. Why do I always procrastinate? Below is one of the three paintings I did this week, it was for Illustration Essentials class. This is in acrylics; the next project is watercolors, which should be interesting because I haven't used watercolors that much. Looking forward to it.

it's kinda weird staring at your own face for so long... a little awkward. Especially when working on it in class time. I wish I had played around with the portrait a bit more, mine is pretty boring compared to other people's (facial expression, colors, etc.). Next time gadget...


in process pic. This is about 2 hours in.

These illustrations were for Iconography class. We were to interpret a short piece of text, so I chose some song lyrics. Something along the lines of "have you ever played hockey by the light of the moon? shinny on a sunday afternoon". I'm pretty happy with how these turned out, especially the ice-ish gradient in the background. These prints will be up in an Illustration Show at school, opening next week.

silkscreen print

silkscreen print