Thursday, February 10, 2011

painting painting painting

phew... long time no posting. This week has been busy... I've been painting frantically for the past three days. Why do I always procrastinate? Below is one of the three paintings I did this week, it was for Illustration Essentials class. This is in acrylics; the next project is watercolors, which should be interesting because I haven't used watercolors that much. Looking forward to it.

it's kinda weird staring at your own face for so long... a little awkward. Especially when working on it in class time. I wish I had played around with the portrait a bit more, mine is pretty boring compared to other people's (facial expression, colors, etc.). Next time gadget...


in process pic. This is about 2 hours in.

These illustrations were for Iconography class. We were to interpret a short piece of text, so I chose some song lyrics. Something along the lines of "have you ever played hockey by the light of the moon? shinny on a sunday afternoon". I'm pretty happy with how these turned out, especially the ice-ish gradient in the background. These prints will be up in an Illustration Show at school, opening next week.

silkscreen print

silkscreen print

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