whee! my computer is now updated and is a Tiger!!! woot! and i can actually see websites the way they are supposed to look, instead of all wonky which is what Explorer does on a Mac. i like Safari! can you tell I'm excited? :) so far... so good.... *knocks on wood*
in other news, I went to the Edmonton Journal Book Sale today, which was very fun. Really cheap books - hardcovers are $2 and softcovers are $1. It's still on on Sunday if you want to check it out.
You sure find some interesting books at these things. I found an archiac manual for Illustrator, which i thought was quite hilarious (yes I'm a big geek, if you can't already tell from my excitement over upgrading OS). There were some pretty good photo books tho, so I picked up a few of those. If I didn't already have all of the LOTR books, I could have picked up the whole trilogy for $3. Throw in the Hobbit for $4.
here's some of what I picked up.
"Green" by Benjamin Zucker - art/typography book
"The Practical Guide to Calligraphy"
"The Lions of Al-Rassan" by Guy Gavriel Kay - reading another book by this author right now, and am enjoying it so far, so thought I would pick this one up too.
"The Woodsman's Daughter" by Gwyn Hyman Rubio - an advance uncorrected proof version
"Lost Kingdoms of Maya" National Geographic - very nice big photo book
"Monographics" by Kyle Cooper - a neat little book on the design of film titles and credits (which I love)
"The Illustrated Man" by Ray Bradbury - very happy when I found this, I read a lot of Ray Bradbury in high school.
"Let Me Tell You a Story" by Tony Campolo - I like this guy's speaking, so I'll give one of his books a try.
and my new favorite title ever....
"The Professor and the Madman - A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary"I just couldn't pass up that title.